Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Arts

By annmarie.keaveney, 19 October, 2023

Joey Maguire is a multi disciplinary Artist specialising in immersive sound and light experiences. As a solo artist and member of Collective 'Timpeall' Joey has created work for various events such as Suaimhneas sea Coillte (Glengarra Lodge), Culture Night 2022 (Source Arts Centre Thurles), Oilean (Spike Island 2021), Ballybunion Arts Festival 2022, K Fest 21/22 amongst others. Joey has been awarded the MTU Arts Bursary 2021 and Timpeall were runners up for the Screaming Pope Prize at K FEST 2021. 

By annmarie.keaveney, 19 October, 2023

Eamonn B. Shanahan is visual artist, photographer and theatre maker from Tipperary, Ireland. His dedication to the arts is driven by his fervent commitment to nurturing creativity within individuals, businesses, and communities. Eamonn thrives on curating art projects, collaborating with fellow artists, and actively contributing to the evolution of cultural landscapes.

By annmarie.keaveney, 19 October, 2023

Nocht Studio is an emerging collaborative art practice that focuses on made objects and interactive experiences. The studio was founded in 2018 by Martin McGloin and Philip Ryan with studios and workshops in both Clonmel, Tipperary and Beltra, Sligo. Martin and Philip both graduated from the Dublin School of Architecture in 2013.

By administrator, 20 July, 2023

I am a multi-media artist making sculptures, basketry and arts projects for a variety of settings. I work to commission and with community groups, creating site-specific projects and artworks. My Public Art Sculptures are well-known. 

I have extensive experience in teaching craft skills and working creatively with people of all ages. I have an open studio and gallery in a quiet rural location where I teach classes and run cultural events.