
By annmarie.keaveney, 27 February, 2024

Benedict Hutchinson is a photographic artist who lives in Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Co Tipperary, Ireland. He grew up in England where he studied Photography at Kent Institute of Art and Design (1990). 

Benedict’s work draws on the environment, sustainability and social justice. 

By annmarie.keaveney, 18 December, 2023

My practice draws on the exploration of the human body and for purposes of economy and practicality I utilise my own body in the production of my work. The overarching themes of bodily autonomy, materiality, body politics and identity reoccur in various forms and physical expression. My interest in biomorphic structures stem from childhood experiences exploring my rural surroundings which shaped and developed my understanding and respect of a natural landscape analogous to the human body.

By annmarie.keaveney, 11 December, 2023

Jenny was born in Canada and brought up in the West of Ireland. She lives and works in Co. Tipperary. A graduate of NCAD, her work is represented in public and private collections both at home and abroad.

'I primarily paint but I also work with pencil and through installation. My practice delves into our relationship with time and memory, exploring their fleeting and fragmented natures and their influence on our perception of the world.'


By administrator, 20 July, 2023

I am a qualified nursery/primary school teacher. I teach ceramics in local primary and secondary schools and from my studio. My strengths are in designing and delivering projects appropriate for and with a student-centred focus. Since 1998 I have been making decorative raku ceramic pieces sold from home and through galleries in Ireland. I do commissions, and installations and also have exhibitions. I enjoy working in a collaborative setting, presently working designing ceramics for the 'craft' beer industry.

By administrator, 20 July, 2023

Joanna Ryan-Purcell is a writer, artist, performer and theatremaker. She aims to bring her three mediums of writing, painting and performing together to create her own unique style of theatre. 

Her current project is a poetic performance called "I Flew as a Swan" written by Joanna and directed by Australian directors Tony Kishawi and Mary Eggleston. 

This performance is based on the Children of Lir myth adopted by Joanna. Joanna is also the founder and artistic director of the Blue Door Sessions. This project is currently postponed until further notice.

By administrator, 20 July, 2023

I'm an experienced community musician with a specialism in devised, collaborative work. I have substantial experience working with schools and adult mental health groups and am particularly interested in developing arts and health work with adults. I have built a group resource in the form of The Good Vibrations Orchestra, a set of extremely accessible tuned instruments, gongs, percussion and electronics which I use for much of my work. 

I generally work with people who don't consider themselves to be 'musicians' and encourage active, creative input from participants.